Meet George Cervantes, the president and founder of the best sugar daddy dating site alternative. George is a former New York City model and he is now a famous celebrity matchmaker in LA.
George is known as the “Pretty Boy” of the matchmaking industry and has been helping singles find love since 2009. He created the sugar daddy dating site alternative to give beautiful girls a platform where they could meet wealthy guys without having to sign up for those trashy sites that don’t really have any rich guys in their databases.
George and his team work with some of the most powerful and successful men in the nation and this is the site where women can actually meet those types of guys. Everything is done completely offline and in-person. There are no messages or swiping or anything of that nature.
Beautiful girls submit their application with a picture and they will be introduced to rich guys who are looking for someone like them. George works with Hollywood celebrities, millionaires, doctors, lawyers, bankers, investors and many more powerful men.
George caters to some of the most attractive girls in the nation including models, Instagram influencers, aspiring actresses and many more gorgeous girls who want to date rich guys.
George wants to every guy out there to be able to date high-caliber girls just like the girls George is used to dating. George only goes out with 9s and 10s and that’s the type of girls he wants his clients to date.
If you think you make the cut, then fill out the short form below and don’t forget to submit a picture. (Must submit picture)